Inici / Ofertes de feina a l'estranger / Es necessiten 90 educadors infantils per a escoles al Regne Unit

Es necessiten 90 educadors infantils per a escoles al Regne Unit

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Es necessiten 90 educadors infantils per a escoles al Regne Unit

Descripció de l’oferta:

We are currently in process of selection and recruitment to several Day Nurseries and Montessori Schools throught the United Kingdom for the following positions:

  • Nursery Managers
  • Early Years Teacher/Team Leader
  • Early Years Practitioners
  • Montessori Teachers

We are offering several vacancies through England, Scotland and Wales located around several attractive cities to work and live such as London, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Norwich, Brighton, Oxford, Cambridge, Birmingham, Southampton, Edinburgh, Bristol, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Aberdeen, Glasgow, inverness, Cardiff, Yale etc.

The Final Interviews with the employer will be held by SKYPE

Coneixements necessaris:

  • A sound knowledge of child development for children aged birth to five years
  • An understanding of the Early years Foundation Stage – EYFS – curriculum
  • An understanding of a play based approach to childrens learning and the value of outdoors experiences
  • Understanding of the key worker role

Es requereix:

  • Good English communication skills – both written and verbal
  • Experience in a day-care setting
  • Education and Training
  • A Childcare & Education qualification
  • Ability to develop effective relationships with colleagues and parents
  • Ability to plan and organise workload
  • An understanding and commitment to equal opportunities
  • An understanding of Health and Safety in the workplace
  • A willingness to undertake further relevant training including some evenings and weekends


  • Permanent Contract
  • Full Time Contract
  • Initial Salary from GBP 16500 to GBP 22000 year depending on experience and position
  • Excellent career opportunities
  • In house training


Contracte indefinit a jornada completa

Salari fins als 18000€/any

Si estàs interessat/da en aquesta oferta pots inscriure’t aquí.

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